கடிதம்: "Hi" from a doctor

i read an article named ' WOMEN EMPOWERMENT' in ur blog.. it was there since feb 2nd. but i read it yesterday only.. you were telling about a girl who is wearing a T shirt containing the following words 'Once a month, I hate being a girl”.....
those are correct only.. whether u have experienced the pain during menstrual cycle. then how come u can criticise her... the horrible pain in this world are labour pain that's the pain during delivery of a child, next is the spasmodic pain of monthly cycles..
i'm not a feminist.. but some what i was irritated by ur comments

- Dr.Seethalakshmi Kannan


Hi Madam,

Got ur hot comments.

Basically, I am against printing some non-sense text in girls' T-shirts. It's done predominantly for making any male to peep at it and on her extras (and most girls want that). Its nothing but exhibitionism. My sincere suggestion to such girls is rather make a pair of holes in the T-shirt so that it will fetch you a relatively better percent of male attention and action too.

That is my humble but honest opinion, in general about this stuff. Now, coming to our topic. First of all, I respect your statements much as you are a doctor (Right?). And I decided to give you a reply because of the same reason. I am basically trying to reply to ur query, "whether u have experienced the pain during menstrual cycle. how come u can criticise her?"

Though didn't feel yet and possibly not in future too, am perfectly agreeing with you that delivery and periods are topping the pain charts of Homo sapiens. And FYI, I am married and its a love marriage too. I love and respect my wife a lot and understands that she needs a graceful handling in all aspects during such times. Hope that I am offering the same.

"Once a month, I hate being a girl" is unquestionably poetic and it portrays every girl's monthly pain vividly in an extraordinary way. There is no second opinion about that. But printing it in a T-shirt makes difference. The only reason behind doing that is it's shock-value. And I believe that Feminism is NOT all about running behind shock-value.

With tons of reasons backing up, I prefer my female child NOT to write such things in her wearings and its up to her to understand and decide on it. And I criticized that girl also, in the same sense. If it makes you feel irritated, it happens. It's all in the game and life too. Opinions differ in everything. But... Sorry! I am not for. My stand is yet unchanged.

And after all, I am NOT a male chauvinist, in any regard (But unfortunately, few of my philosophies and some other posts in this blog seem to project me so. Let it be). Hope that answers a lot and I will be happy if my explanation convinced you a bit, atleast. Anyway, thanks for sharing your comments and hope to see you more here in near future.



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