விடைகள் தேவையில்லை - 1

1. தொழில்நுட்பம் படித்தவர்களால் விஜய் படங்களை எப்படி ரசிக்க முடிகிறது?
2. கமல்ஹாசனின் பேச்சு ஓர் ஆறறிவு மனிதனுக்கு எப்படி புரியாமல் போகிறது?
3. இறந்தர்வர்கள் உடலைப்பார்த்துக்கொண்டு எப்படி இரங்கற்பா பாட முடிகிறது?
4. அக்குள் / தொப்புள் தெரியும்படி பெண்கள் உடையணிவதன் அவசியமென்ன?
5. காதலில் இருப்பவரிடம் ஏன் எவ்வித‌ நியாய‌தர்க்கங்களும் எடுபடுவதில்லை?


i got to answer the first question whether you need it or not. i don't apply my intelligence on my taste. you just can't judge a persons with their taste alone.
i can still ask similar question to you "why you are always biased when comes to music and movie ranking?". did not come out of anger thought of asking it long time back? :-)
I am asking these questions to the entire society and the society includes myself too..
Hence that first question applies to me also.. Because there are some Vijay movies which I also like..
Also regarding ur question on "bias", my reply is from ur comment itself "i don't apply my intelligence on my taste"..
Yes. I always rank movies based on my taste and taste only..
If the movies keeps me interesting throughout, then that is a good movie for me..
That's my thumb rule to judge any movie, (even novel, short story or a poem)..
I can justify all my ratings based on this one-line rule..
There is 100% no bias in it..
Please notice that I rejected a handful of Kamalhaasan movies and Ilayaraaja music (whom you may think as my favourites) in past..
Hope that explains..
Anonymous said…
i support senthil`s point that ur biased if it comes to movies or music. coz i hv seen the awards thing you have mentioned few days back

I strongly object your point.
I an not biased in any of the awards of top 10 lists i have stated so far..
I am 100% true to my conscience and taste..
Can you state an example where i am seem biased in the awards?
Also tell me to whom I should give that particular award..
Let me try to justify my side or if your point is valid and my decision is wrong, I will accept and change the award.
Also please remember that taste differs from person to person and I feel mine is superior..
I think there is nothing wrong in that..

You can help Guru on answering this, if he needs..
3.Poi Solla Porom
6.Vaaranam Aayiram
9.Abhiyum Naanum
10.Raman Thediya Seethai
I would consider this order.

3.Katrathu Tamil
6.Raman Thediya Seethai
8.Vaaranam Aayiram

Following movies I haven't seen.
1.Poi Solla Porom
3.Abhiyum Naanum
I am not sure whether Katrathu Tamil released in 2008 or 2007.

Everyone has their own superior views and thoughts. I am not trying to justify my view [:-0]
I should have not used the word biased in my first reply [:-0]. I feel sorry for that. ok va? [:-0]
Honestly I think Dasavathaaram doesn’t deserved to be in first position.I think kamalahasan himself has agreed this (I have seen his interview).

"taste differs from person to person and I feel mine is superior..
I think there is nothing wrong in that".

I agree with this. there is nothing wrong in that unless you don't urge others feel the same.
I would say thoughts are always superior than my taste.

I happy after long time we criticize each other [:-0]

dai..I just forwarded the link to have a look. not to support me. [:-0]

Katrathu Tamil was released in 2007 (seen tat list of sarkar also).
i dont know from where u got the list of mine..
this is my actual list..

1. Dasavathaaram
2. Subramaniyapuram
3. Poi Solla Porom
4. Anjaathey
5. Poo
6. Santhosh Subramaniyam
7. Vaaranam Aayiram
8. Bommalaattam
9. Saroja
10. Abhiyum Naanum


Even, if kamal haasan himself agreed that dasa is not best, that is not a problem..
because this is not kmal's list..
this is my own list..
even his comments cannot change mine..
also see my review of dsavatharam..
also, if we meet, i will tell you the extra ordinary things in dasa (which u may or may not noticed)..
the screenplay based on the chaos theory is the most amazing thing which got yield to in dasa..
also u r underestimating subramaniapuram also..
without hesitation, its equivalent to paruthi veeran..
i can digest all ur ratings, except raman thediya seethai..
also, i never urge others feel the same..
but i can do everything to justify mine to other na..
tat is wat i am doing..
also if u think that liking should not affect our film listing, i wish to say another thing to u..
"hatred also should not affect ur rating"..
i think few people hate kamal because of the over hype..
hope u did not fall under that category..

i am also feeling the same happiness that after a log break we are arguing..
"hatred also should not affect ur rating" -exactly this is what i have been wish to say to my friends. but i don't do that. these days i feel very sorry for the people who just blame someone because they hate them or just love their competitor (Vijay fans vs All Others fan, Microsoft vs Apple, Google, Sun, Oracle, IBM..etc). I felt the same when i read your comment about vijay. I know you can't be like that. but still i had to ask that question. i have been reading your blog everyday. even though i felt like making a comment, i could not do it. but that made to me to ask you. so I wish to say the same "hatred should not affect ur views".

Regarding Dasavathaaram, yes we can talk more about it when we meet in person. I don't know whether you remember or not, I have called you on the day I saw Dasavathaaram and said "first time I have enjoyed a kamal film". but still I think there are other films which are better than Dasavathaaram. I wonder about his talent in direction. I am not flirted by actors, but just by heroes [:-0]. I still blindly believe that "if someone fearless about camera then they can become as actors easily" and I also think that "someone need not to take risk to become better actors".

Anjathe- I have been wondering about Miskin.
Poo- I felt the truth in it. first movie to talk about love from a girl's perspective.
Subramaniyapuram- I believe order never underestimate anything. without hesitation, its better than paruthi veeran. but still a realistic attempt to commercial movie.
Raman Thediya Seethai- sorry I have no option man.
Saroja- (another commercial movie which is just hyped)
Vaaranam Aayiram - (I would say, it is just for Haris Jayraj.. sorry surya )

Note: For me if there is love and songs then those are just commercial movies [:-0]. I love commercial movies too [:-0]

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