I am NOT a male chauvinist.

Metro Girls Syndrome refers to the association of several recognizable features, signs (discovered by males), symptoms (reported by females), phenomena that often occur together, found popularly in female youth of almost all Indian Metropolitans.

The features include vivid anatomical exposure [36-24-36], mirror cracking make-up, perfumated body odour, coloured untied unoiled hairs, strategically placed tattoos, SMS inhalation/ exhalation and reasonless laughs for every half a second.

The signs are sleeveless tops [fully, partially or nully shaved], low necks [with/ without of brassiere], low hips [with rings pierced in the navel], shorts/ micro-mini skirts/ tight jean pants [exhibiting brand, size, colour, model and design of the inners].

The symptoms include turning necks of crossing males and eve-teasing complaints. The phenomena are immediate sex appeal and instant women empowerment.


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